Thursday, September 10, 2009

Better Luck This Time

So as you may or may not have known, during my initial collegiate years, I had some interesting (to say the least) experiences with Roommates. I started my run off with the guy pictured above; the infamous "Chuckles". Dude was my freshman roommate at Syracuse and was a total bum. He had it all, smelliness, dirtiness, flatulence, and of course dashing good looks. (Chuckles if you are apologies)

So as soon as I got out of that dump-hole, I found another legendary roommate my first semester at USC; his "name" was THE ROC. That's right; the 50yr old assistant professor and the Champion of the impossible technology of digital fabrication who called himself the ROC. One more time...He ACTUALLY CALLED HIMSELF THE ROC! Riisen, Kob and My Mom, yeah they know the absurdity that was THE ROC. For you leymen out there, feast your eyes:

Dude's crazy.

Anyway, what it all boils down to is this:

Benny, our cast's resident hippie and my cabin-mate is leaving the ship for good. So what it means for me is that I am back in the roommate draft. Elligible for one and all. Waiting to be assigned some rando with whom I'll share a 5x5 box.

Seriously if I get screwed again, I might stab someone.

Dane Cook is probably the least funny commedian of all time.

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